Bluboks Cinetheater warmly invites you to the Zbigniew Raszewski Theater Institute to celebrate the eighteenth birthday of the twenty-first century:

Military Glamour – Antygoni 2018
Scenariusz, reżyseria i zdjęcia : Katarzyna Wińska
Wideo-dokumentacja w Chicago: Catherine Sullivan i Audra Lee Dobiesz
Edycja wideo „Military Glamour”: post NOVIKI
Wystąpili: Weronika Nockowska, aktorki Teatru Opera Buffa, Krystyna Sowa, Bogumiła Sowa-Szajdek, Robert Sowa, Anna Mistewicz, Franciszek Nowicki.
W pokazie „Military Glamour”: młodzież z Dziubieli
Wokal: Agata Maciak
Muzyka: Jan Małkowski
Premiera: 14.12.2018
This performance modelled on the Greek tragedy is also a meeting. We tease out the individual’s dilemma in the fray of 2,500-year-old fratricidal conflicts, and a chorus of young people from Warsaw and Orzysz (the military capital of Poland), together with young, political Americans from the event of the year. While Polish eighteen-year-olds have the right to vote, their American peers can bear arms (they can vote only when they reach twenty-one). Coryphaeus (Weronika Nockowska) leads the chorus, and also appears as Antigone and Ismene. 
Women in Ancient Greece had no voice in social life, though they did on stage (through male actors). Women often had the final word in dramas.
Antigone/Ismene recognizes the evil all too well, but cannot be sure of the most effective way to counteract it. In trusting the roles of Oedipus’ daughters to a single actress, Katarzyna Wińska reduces the conflict between two standpoints – active and passive resistance to evil – to the human heart. She shows human nature to be complex and challenging, though this does not temper dissent and rebellion against evil. A choice proves essential. This necessity is the point of departure for a discussion on contemporary life in a divided world, a society, a family, a world that matches one’s convictions. 
What role is left for theater? After the success of Antigone, Sophocles was chosen the strategist! Following the shoot-out in the school in Florida, young people from a local theater group were the first to organize #NeverAgain protests.
In Sophocles’ day, people better understood the need for theater and poetry than they did the need for war. How do things stand today? Can we be sure that theater was and is a platform to discuss things that matter? 



Alaina (18) & Telemachus (22) in memoriam

Everyday we stay in places that are relatively soft-targets. Anywhere across the country.

Whether it is a place of worship, bars, schools, theaters. This calls for all of us ;

 to have a plan in the back of my mind; that we know where the exits are. Where is my way out. How quickly can I find a place to hide, get small. This cries for all of us.

Who brings hate – the Congress must do something about it.

Back in the 50s elementary school kids would duck for cover; when a nuclear attack comes – get under your desks. Now they are under the desk for different purpose. It is very concerning.

We have a gun problem. That has to be fixed.


The biggest dance-floor in town.

You would think that we had already suffered enough

I cannot imagine any grief

That you and I have not gone through

Scarcely now I had my lips set free

We were dancing and we saw someone walk in and I heard shots and I don’t even know what was happening. We got down and we tried to get everybody out

Everyone dropped to the ground pretty quickly.

I have God on my side. We must move forward, be there and help people go through it.


Hush!-no such word! – Thou hast no right to lament

I pray to God, nobody tells me, he is praying for us.

My son Telemachus made it though last year’s harvest festival shooting, he came home.

And he didn’t come home last night, and the two words I want you to write are: gun control.

Right now – so no one else goes through this. Can do you that for me? I don’t want your prayers.

I don’t want thoughts and I hope to God nobody else sends me more prayers. I want gun control. No. More. Guns.

Our father died, hated and disgraced.

Now, the two of us are left here alone,

We must remember that by birth we’re women

We shouldn’t fight with men

We must obey in this and in events

Which bring us even harsher agonies

So I’ll ask those underground for pardon

I can’t act against the state. 

That’s not in my nature

While he lives, no woman shall rule him,

No man can be fully known, until he hath been seen versed in rule and law-giving.

I’m texting like crazy. I’ve got a message: Noel is shot.

If you had children, you wanted him to be one of their friends.

Everybody hit the ground. He died a hero, shielding others from gunshots.

Look what’s he doing with our brothers

Honoring one with a full funeral

And treating the other one disgracefully!

Anyone who acts against the order

Will be stoned to death

Let’s not waste time for words

It’s been an emotional roller-coaster. Every ten minutes I’m from being frustrated to angry to crying. I’m getting a lot of calls. Our place has been like a safest city. It’s been traumatizing.

I was dancing at the back of the floor. First we thought they were fireworks. It was a weird song we danced to, but when I heard the girls screaming I dropped to the ground and I crawled next to the bar against the wall so I made sure 

I wasn’t shot from the back. I saw a girl being trampled.

And I could see in her eyes that she wanted me to help her  and I could’t move, I was completely frozen. I feel so bad I couldn’t help her.

Every week we go to this bar to have fun, enjoy the evening listening to music.

I’m going to come to this place. Nobody would spoil what I love.

It’s a local spot. I know most of the people

I thought it was a joke. No logic, no sense.

These all share it; but they curb their tongues for thee.

The offense is the same for both of us.

He moved to his father’s home three weeks ago.He wanted to join the military.

First thing I said before he left for the bar, was „please don’t drink and drive.” Last thing I said was, „Son, I love you.”

She invited us to her 18th birthday. We had a good time. We were dancing a line dance.

I don’t know if she is alive.

She sang in the choir, played the cello and danced.

We are looking for our friends

He pulled a gun, I saw fire. I crawled to the side door. I got to my car. I stopped for 5 people. One girl had a broken hand. I dropped her at the hospital

We dropped to the floor. 

We just tried to get cover in the attic and toilets

The guy was throwing smoke grenades.

Smoke all over the place.

So much smoke. I didn’t see his face.

I found a fire-escape. I ran.

When he reloaded some people knocked down the windows with stools and run out through the windows.

Not all of our friends are accounted for. A couple are still missing.

The telephone just rings and rings. I’ve got a tracking application – the telephone is there

-unfortunately it’s not moving. Perhaps he lost it while running

When we wre younger, I was an awkward kid. I got picked on. And he was my protector. 

He stood up for me.

I glanced back, there was this tall man shooting. We dove to the floor

He came in, pulled the gun and started shooting. Everybody got down to the floor.

He shouted „run everybody”. I was trampled by people

In a second we dropped to the floor

We were crawling on the floor to the exit.

I was hit on the head by a stool thrown at the window. I was grabbed from behind and this guy helped me out.

I went to the bar with 11 friends. So far we found only six of them.

We don’t know where they are

Four guys pulled out a bleeding friend and carried him to the ambulance.

 I looked up; the security man shot. When a security guard dropped

He had a beard, black hat and black jacket, I think he had glasses on, like prescription


I’ve been in a military family all my life. I know guns. I shoot them, I clean them.

He looked as if he knew what he was doing. It looked as a semi-automatic pistol.

It looked like it was a „40” But I only had a glance at it.

I tripped twice. I fell. People below me. People on top of me. I couldn’t see anything.

We dropped to the ground.We shielded the girls

It was semi-automatic. I’ve just heard 18 to 20 rounds at a time

She was a beautiful dancer.

I was next to the exit to the patio where people smoke. There were a bunch of people there who had no idea that anything was going on, because they were way from the noise

I saw a tall dark figure pointing the hand-gun towards the workers working there and started firing. My instinct kicked in. We dropped down and hid under a table until I heard first round ceased so we knew he run ot of bullets we broke the windows with stools to create an exit 

We helped the others to get out; people as young as 18 and women. These people

That are with us are our family, our neighbors. We grew up with them

I’m sure he was shielding others. This is how he is. He went to the bar with his girlfriends.

It’s normal. We did what we should do to help others to get out of there

We ere doing what we were supposed to do.

He reloaded several times

I was born on a farm. This country club was a first place I had a feeling of normality of sorts

It actually happened to me. A pattern what to do; drop everything you are holding, whatever you are doing and you take cover, you get out, you get safe

A bad thing causes so much good we have a circle of friends out there – it’s beautiful.

They won’t take the place away from us.

They won’t deprive us of joy.

FINALE: Antigone and choir

Tis not my nature to join in hating, but in loving.

Where are thy wits? Hast thou no care for thy present life?

It’s too dark to learn about me

I could be everything

When my strength gives out, I shall do no more.

Impossible things should not be tried at all.

But sometimes justice is fraught with harm

And if my present deeds are foolish in thy sight,

It may be a foolish judge arraigns my folly.

Be of good cheer 

I admire thy prudence; thy cowardice I hate

Do not teach me to betray my friends, nor to bend before the strong

I may fly as far as may be from you all

Thine be such flattery: those are not my ways

The offense is the same for both of us.

Time enough in the future to decide that

One world approved thy wisdom; another, mine

I hope people call me insane. Wouldn’t that be a big ball of irony? Yeah…I’m insane, but the only thing you people do …is „hopes and prayers”..or „keep you in my thoughts”..every time… and wonder why these shootings keep happening”


They are going to put me in the asylum, so nobody would think of calling me a hero.